Monday, May 28, 2012

Erica D for G.O.D.

My name is Erica and I am to announce my first blog is being read by you at this very moment! Yippee. :) First of all,  thank you for stopping by and checking it out, and second of all God bless you where ever you may be joining me from. My blog is not meant to be, by any means, anything other than an encouragement and a window to the wonderful world of my life. I am on fire these days in terms of representing the One who heals all that we suffer from, GOD. Now, more than ever, my generation in particular seems to be lost in terms of faith in anything and my mission is to offer the option of survival of the fittest through Jesus Christ. His love, unfortunately, has been tossed around like a bad habit and misrepresented by the "Christians" some come into contact with. There is nothing religious about Christianity. Christ-like is our aim and loving and trusting Him is our game. See, once you just ask Him to take the wheel, and He will, life becomes what it was made to be by His crucifixion. Your life is now His life which makes you God's children as well. What a blessing!! We are all a little over religion and I am in agreement with the masses in terms of being frustrated with the hypocritical, narrow minded portrait so called believers have painted in everyone's head, but more so, I am frustrated for God. I can't imagine how it feels to give such a sacrifice to ALL the world only to have the world turn their backs on it and mock it out of utter pride and selfishness. 

Christians are born to serve. We are not interested in being served anything except the Word of God and guidance through the Holy Spirit in order to complete a work in the world for it's Creator. God did not put us here because we deserve it, He did it because we don't. All day people "fight for their rights" and try to negate the One who gave them their first which was to live.As a Christian we no longer have rights, they are given over to Jesus. Practicing God's instructions is not our right, it's now our job. If we were fighting for our rights we'd be in hell tonight that is  for sure. God is very consistent and through His word all of life's tragedies have been laid out and all of the enemy's schemes and ways of tricking us as human beings have been called out. Like wise, the Lord's victory is also consistent and it is always His love and loyalty to us that ends each battle of this world, not the other way around. 

In any event, this is not a blog for debating or for the people who believe in nothing to try and convince those who live for something, that it's wrong. This blog is to glorify Jesus by simply sharing my daily life with Him and in His Word. 

I love you all. God does too. No matter what race,what religion, what political party. My message through this blog is God's message. Not divided. Not one sided, but to be saved by it. The message that God is calling for you and all you gotta do is answer. He will do the rest. Jesus. Jesus loves you and deserves to be shown the way He was intended to be: OUR SAVIOR. Please share any faith based questions, testimonies or payer requests you would like to share!!

May God bless you all and may I some how spark the wick in your soul's lamp so you can burn bright like the stars for God and for your happiness. Find me on the following sites for more GOD!

Please visit my profile on for more of my favorite Scripture amd daily notes on faith!! 

Erica D


  1. I will just like to offer up anyone who's in need of prayer for any reason up to the Lord. May He restore you and renew you in all ways and may you put Him first always :) in Jesus name

  2. This is so great!!! So proud of you beautiful! Gods doing a amazing work in your life! I'm excited for the future!
